AMBA CXS Verification IP provides an smart way to verify the ARM AMBA CXS component of a SOC or a ASIC. The SmartDV's AMBA CXS Verification IP is fully compliant with standard AMBA CXS Specification.
AMBA CXS Verification IP is supported natively in SystemVerilog, VMM, RVM, AVM, OVM, UVM, Verilog, SystemC, VERA, Specman E and non-standard verification env
AMBA CXS Verification IP comes with optional Smart Visual Protocol Debugger (Smart ViPDebug), which is GUI based debugger to speed up debugging.
- Features
- Compliant with the latest ARM AMBA CXS specification.
- Supports CXS TransmitterReceiver, Monitor and Checker.
- Supports credit exchange mechanism.
- Supports Link activation and deactivation.
- Support for skipping link activation.
- Configurable credit mechanism including dynamic and pre-allocated credit control.
- Support for Interface properties and possible options as per protocol.
- Support for multiple packets per flit.
- Supports continuous delivery of data - uninterrupted transmission of packets.
- Fine grain control of below:
- Flit packets placement
- Packet control fields
- Ability to configure the width of all applicable signals.
- Support for error injection during Link activation and deactivation.
- Ability to inject and detect errors including:
- Credit exchange mechanism
- Flit packets placement
- Parity
- Packet control fields
- Packet size
- Link activation and deactivation
- Programmable Protocol signal delays.
- Supports constrained randomization of protocol attributes.
- Programmable Timeout insertion.
- Rich set of configuration parameters to control CXS functionality.
- On-the-fly protocol and data checking.
- Notifies the testbench of significant events such as transactions, warnings, timing and protocol violations.
- Built in coverage analysis.
- Transaction logging and Performance Reporting support.
- Callbacks in Transmitter, Receiver and Monitor for various events.
- Status counters for various events on bus.
- AMBA CXS Verification IP comes with complete testsuite to test every feature of ARM AMBA CXS specification.
- Benefits
- Faster testbench development and more complete verification of AMBA CXS designs.
- Easy to use command interface simplifies testbench control and configuration of master and slave.
- Simplifies results analysis.
- Runs in every major simulation environment.
- AMBA CXS Verification Env
SmartDV's AMBA CXS Verification env contains following.
- Complete regression suite containing all the AMBA CXS testcases.
- Examples showing how to connect various components, and usage of BFM and Monitor.
- Detailed documentation of all class, task and function's used in verification env.
- Documentation also contains User's Guide and Release notes.